
Instantiated assets and shapes for Orbonne Monastery

This was originally posted on 12 April 2023. No other exhibit thus far has used so many images. The Ivalice series has to overdo everything istg. Just as a measure so far, the total number of graphical elements of these posts has reached 436 MB. The textual elements (the posts themselves, and associated metadata) has reached 50KB. I told you these hyperfixations get intense…

I wonder if I ought to turn this into a Tumblr thing. (Joke’s on you Tumblr.)
There’s a bunch of shit in Orbonne Monastery (or, rather, outside of it).
This pillar (an attack by Hashmal) sits out of bounds, waiting to be brought in and sliced.

The entirety of Mustadio’s arena is boxed in this bright magenta bullshit. I don’t really know why. Things like this tend to use garish colours so leaks in the map could be easily detected, and maybe they didn’t want people to see into the arena from the outside.

Off to the side, there’s Agrias’s mini-arena where an Alliance is banished. Nothing too interesting.

Also, Dev Cube under Agrias’s arena.

…and Mustadio’s arena.

And, like most things in the Ivalice Raids, this area is massive.
So massive, in fact, that the teleporter that takes you from the first half to the second half doubles as a switch to visually cull one part of the arena from the other.

If I leave the camera in Agrias’s arena and leave, almost everything is culled-out. The sigil top-center is the teleporter leading to the next part.

And I go that way. The water left behind changes some of the fog, and I think this is an interesting effect.

The Necrohol (where Count Orlandeaux is fought) is impressive in its scope.

(Yes, it has a cube.)

I can’t get the second phase of this arena, because Cid creates it and then blows it up. But it’s essentially just a disc.

Very interesting use of perspective. It gives the impression that, as tall as the mountains are (and they must be massive if they’re dry), the Monastery simply dwarfs them. Image

The illusions of scale and distance fall apart if you can change your perspective, however.

Likewise, I cannot get the first phase of the High Seraph’s arena because it’s also gone. But I think it’s the lower of these two orbs.
(The sky peeking through the upper orb is just the orb starting to be far-culled-out.)
There’s nothing inside of the lower orb.

Nothing, except two Cubes!

Pursuant to my hypothesis, the skybox changes twice throughout this fight. Once when the High Seraph begins her onslaught and the Zodiac Braves shield the players (and are crushed by the force of the attack), and once again when Ramza comes in to deflect the final hit. The entire platform gives way, and the players fall into the ruined Orb at the top.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.