
Deltascape V3

This was originally posted 5 March 2023.

It contains a redaction made after the initial post. The original content is included, but stricken.)

A cube immediately under Deltascape V3.0 (Halicarnassus), textured similarly (though not identically) to the floor above. The arena doesn’t employ skybox changes, although the battle is quite mechanically heavy. Throughout the battle, players are advised to stand on a tile with an icon corresponding to their group role (the healers would stand on the green cross, the DPS would stand on the red swords, and the tanks would stand on the blue shield). Anyone not standing on a corresponding tile is punished.
The segmentation of the floor above is so the floor can swap out with rough-hewn rock, which also punishes the player (by erupting and becoming jagged) if they are not on a lit diagonal when that attack goes off. Image

I say the cube isn’t related to skybox changes, even though the battlefield changes quite drastically. There’s a minigame where players start at a corner and have to navigate their way to an aetherial tear in another corner by way of the constantly-flowing sand tiles. This is a sub-area and I don’t think it employs anything special. The cube might handle teleportation to-and-from this sub-area, because the boss makes a remark on when all players complete the minigame with how quickly they completed it.


Correction: There is a skybox change. As the camera approaches the minigame site, the sky becomes lighter, which can lead to the windows showing a light sky if the player is quick with the freecam. Never mind.
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